About Our Owners

A camera or sensor mounted UAV, controlled by an operator that understands the remote features, can create aerial photos, video, 360 video, or data. But, will the finished product be close to industry standards for film and video, will post editing produce what the client is looking for, will the data collected deliver the appropriate information, and how reliable is the data analysis? These are the questions you should consider when selecting an individual or company for your project.

Our principal partners and professionally trained technicians have the education, experience, skills and abilities to understand what is required to deliver a product or project and exceed your company’s expectations.

Robert T. Johnson

  • Education: B. A. Broadcast Communications, Bowling Green State University
  • Experience: 30 years experience with municipal, public, and commercial broadcasting operations, video productions and documentaries, training and marketing videos, production and television station manager.
  • Specialized Training and Abilities: digital editing, traditional and robotic camera operations, digital broadcasting casting and streaming, aerial videography and photography.
  • Affiliations: Georgia Productions Partnership, Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International
  • A FAA approved 107 remote pilot